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Apple Cider Vinegar: Possibly Your Most Essential Household Product

by Lou-Ann Jordan Nov 7, 2022

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We all like household products that are multipurpose. Here’s one for you: apple cider vinegar (ACV). It’s a must-have for every household. Why, you may ask? Well, as far as versatile products go, this one ranks high. Varied are the uses attributed to this precious golden liquid.

Here is a list, not an exhaustive one, of some of the wonderfully nifty uses of apple cider vinegar.

A Facial Toner

Did you know it can be used as a facial toner? There are numerous recipes, but to keep it simple, dilute ACV in water and apply it to the face using a washcloth.

Teeth Whitener

If you’re in between your next dental treatment and you want to maintain those pearly whites, dilute ACV in water and gargle. Some have been known to apply the liquid directly to their teeth. However, this is not advisable because undiluted ACV may damage the enamel.

Digestive System Balancer

A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water is said to settle the stomach or aid with gas. Additionally, health experts advise that it also helps to combat constipation.

Hair Cleanser

A quick and easy way to get rid of extra sweat and dirt after shampooing is to mix ACV with water and rinse. In addition to cleaning and detangling hair, apple cider vinegar also helps to remove dandruff.

All-Purpose Cleaner

Yes, an all-purpose cleaner you can make yourself! Mix water and ACV in a spray bottle. Also, add a drop of your favourite essential oil (sandalwood or lavender) to complete the mixture.

Body Odours or Pet Smells

Add a tablespoon of ACV to the laundry to remove lingering body odour from clothing. Similarly, when trying to get rid of your cat’s urine smell from blankets, add a spoonful to the wash cycle.

Sore Throat Elixir

There are people who prefer a natural remedy to store-bought medicines. One teaspoon of ACV, one teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and three teaspoons of clover honey will do the trick to relieve a sore throat.

So there you have it, the many uses of apple cider vinegar.  Be sure to grab a bottle on your next visit to the supermarket.

Sources: The Doctor Oz Show and Swanson