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Healthy Alphabet: T is For…Five Foods that are Good For You

by Karen Rollins Jul 6, 2020

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Red ripe tomatoes growing in a greenhouse.

We are constantly bombarded with information about what we should and shouldn’t be eating, which can become confusing.

Yello has decided to go for a simple approach and provide an alphabetical guide to some of the healthiest foods you can add to your diet.

We’ll be going from A to Z and listing up to five foods that are packed with minerals and vitamins while also providing nutritional facts on their health benefits.

We’ve taken a look at A to S. So, now it’s time for T.


Tahini is a thick paste made from toasted, ground sesame seeds. It is popular in Middle Eastern and Asian cuisine.

Tahini is best known as a key component of hummus but is a versatile ingredient which can be used in many recipes.

It’s full of healthy fats and is also a good source of iron, phosphorus, calcium, and manganese.

Nutrition facts (100 grams):

* 595 calories (30% daily value (DV))

* 17.0 grams of protein (17% DV)

* 9.3 grams of dietary fibre (37% DV)

* 7.5 grams of saturated fat (38% DV)

* 23130 milligrams (mg) of total Omega-6 fatty acids

* 1.5 mg of manganese (73% DV)

* 1.2 mg of thiamin (81% DV)

* 9.0 mg of iron (50% DV)


Tofu is a plant-based food derived from soya. The main types of tofu are silken, soft, firm, and extra firm. It has no taste but is great at soaking up flavours.

According to legend, tofu was discovered more than 2,000 years ago by a Chinese cook who accidentally curdled soy milk by adding nigari seaweed.

Tofu is popular in vegan and vegetarian recipes because it is a complete source of vegetable protein. It is diary-free and has little fat. It also contains all nine essential amino acids as well as iron, magnesium, zinc, and calcium.

Nutrition facts (126 grams):

*183 calories (9% DV)

* 19.9 grams of protein (40% DV)

* 2.9 grams of dietary fibre (12% DV)

* 11.0 grams of total fat (17% DV)

* 1.5 mg of manganese (74% DV)

* 861 mg of calcium (86% DV)

* 3.4 mg of iron (19% DV)

* 21.9 micrograms (mcg) of selenium (31% DV)


Tomatoes are native to the Americas and can be traced back to the Aztec and Inca civilisations in 700 AD.

A member of the deadly nightshade family along with eggplants (also known as aubergines), and potatoes, many people once believed tomatoes were poisonous.

Tomatoes come in a range of shapes and sizes and are classed as both a fruit and a vegetable. They are extremely versatile and can be used raw, cooked, in sauces and purees, and even juiced for a refreshing drink.

Nutrition facts (2 medium sized):

* 44.3 calories (2% DV)

* 1.7 grams of dietary fibre (7% DV)

* 2.3 grams of protein (5% DV)

* 56.1 mg of vitamin C (93% DV)

* 1203 International Units (IU) of vitamin A (24% DV)

* 536 mg of potassium (15% DV)

* 0.3 mg of manganese (13% DV)

* 0.2 mg of vitamin B6 (10% DV)

Tinned tuna

Tinned or canned tuna is a popular food item because it can be used in salads, on biscuits, and in wraps or sandwiches.

The healthiest varieties of tinned tuna are packed in oil or spring water, without excess salt, or any added artificial flavours or colourings.

Some tuna is classified as endangered because of overfishing, so try to choose brands which use the pole and line method of capture, and are certified as sustainable.

Nutrition facts (1 can / 171 grams):

* 339 calories (17% DV)

* 49.8 grams of protein (100% DV)

* 14.0 grams of fat (22% DV)

* 130 mcg of selenium (186% DV)

* 535 mg of phosphorus (53% DV)

* 3.8 mcg of vitamin B12 (63% DV)

* 2.4 mg of iron (13% DV)

* 53.0 mg of magnesium (13% DV)


Turnips are a type of root vegetable that belong to the mustard family.

They are among the oldest and hardiest vegetables on earth. The most common turnip is light purple on top and white on the bottom.

Turnips are packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. They are also a particularly good source of phosphorus, iron, copper, and calcium.

Nutrition facts (1 cup, cooked, boiled with salt):

* 34.3 calories (2% DV)

* 1.1 grams of protein (2% DV)

* 3.1 grams of dietary fibre (12% DV)

* 18.1 mg of vitamin C (30% DV)

* 14.0 mcg of folate (4% DV)

* 0.1 mg of copper (5% DV)

* 0.2 mg of manganese (8% DV)

* 0.1 mg of vitamin B6 (5% DV)

Watch out for the rest of the healthy food alphabet in this series to be published on Find Yello, and click to take a look at the previous ABC, D, E, F,G, H, I, J, KLMNOP, Q & R and S articles.

Sources: The Food Coach, Nutrition Data, Healthline, BBC Good Food, Tofupedia, Medical News Today, Women’s Health Mag, NDTV Food and WebMD.