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Taking Part in ‘Dry January’? Here are 10 Tips to Help You Get Through It

by Karen Rollins Jan 6, 2025

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Dry January

After the indulgence of Christmas, many people decide to take part in ‘Dry January’ and pledge to stay away from alcohol for 31 days.

This challenge may seem easy to some, but for others it can be hard to see it through, especially if you are used to having a glass of wine with a meal or if you go out regularly to socialise with friends who are drinking.

So, we’ve found 10 tips that will hopefully make it easier for you to give up wine, beer, or spirits for an entire month.

1. Let friends and family know you are taking part in ‘Dry January’ so they can support you and even maybe join in. The more people you have around you taking part, or aware of what you are doing, the more you are likely to get through 31 days. 

2. Avoid temptations as much as possible. Remove any alcohol from your house or lock it away in a cupboard and give someone else the key. 

3. As the month progresses make a note of how you are feeling. Do you have more energy? Does your mind feel sharper? Is your skin clearer? A journal will help keep your momentum going.

4. Use the Try Dry app. This free app from the UK helps you set personal goals and offers motivational information like calories and money saved from not drinking. 

5. Familiarise yourself with a wide range of alcohol-free drinks and find one you really like for when you are in a social setting. Non-alcoholic beer, wine, or mocktails (non-alcoholic cocktails) are a good choice, so you don’t feel like you’re missing out when your friends are ordering at the bar or a restaurant.

6. Rehearse a response for when people question why you aren’t drinking. You don’t have to justify taking part in ‘Dry January’, but it will help you to stay firm in your choice if you know exactly what you are hoping to achieve in terms of physical and emotional benefits.

7. Don’t give up even if you slip up a bit. It would be nice to cut out alcohol for the entire time, but if you don’t manage it one day, just begin again the next day.

8. Arrange some activities to keep you occupied. Join a gym; resolve to take a daily walk in the morning and / or evening; learn a new language; or visit a new site / place every week. Have fun without needing a drink!

9. Make sure you ask for some help if you need it. There are lots of resources available online or you can talk to your GP or a local alcohol support service. Do not struggle alone if giving up alcohol is hard for you.

10. Have a plan in place for when January finishes especially if you are hoping to give up alcohol permanently.

Sources: Harvard Health PublishingNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and Alcohol Change UK.