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Treat Your Sunburn with these Easy Home Remedies

by Carolyn Lee Aug 2, 2021

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Caribbean Summer Blues: Treat Your Sunburn with these Easy Home Remedies

Summer has many perks, among them great weather for enjoying outdoor activities.

Beach dates, picnics, barbecues, and camping are just some of the fun outdoor activities that many of us love at this time of year. But, the sun’s rays are very strong during the summer months, which makes it easy for your skin to get damaged.

Although we should, some of us often forget to apply proper sun protection before going out. So, while outdoor activities are fun, dealing with sunburn isn’t.

Sunburns are uncomfortable and can be painful, so we’ve got a few home remedies for persons who may experience sunburns this summer.

What’s the timeframe for sunburn to show up?

Depending on the severity of your sunburn, you may notice excess dryness or that your skin is sensitive to the touch or water shortly after being in the sun for a prolonged period. It could take up to two days to detect how severe it is when redness, swelling and pain become more noticeable. You may also get blisters, peeling or stripping for up to a week after.

Should you be worried about sunburns?

Your skin type and the amount of exposure you’ve had in the sun are important since sunburn may create a risk of skin cancer. The pain and swelling can create discomfort, so if you have a fun vacation plan, it helps to be proactive and avoid getting sunburned.

What happens with severe sunburn?

Severe sunburn may result in symptoms like nausea and vomiting, fever, weakness, and chills. In extreme cases, some persons may faint, experience serious weakness or have low blood pressure. If you experience symptoms of severe sunburn, see your doctor. Your doctor will conduct a physical examination, which may include questions and photo testing to determine the best course of treatment for you.

Caribbean Summer Blues: Treat Your Sunburn with these Easy Home Remedies.

Home remedies to try for mild to moderate sunburns:

  • A pain reliever can help ease discomfort.
  • Avoid breaking blisters open. If you have a broken blister, gently clean it with mild soap and apply an antibiotic ointment. Use a non-stick bandage to cover after cleaning.
  • If your skin begins to peel, be gentle with it and keep moisturising the affected area.
  • Use a clean damp towel to cool the skin or take a cold bath. You can add approximately two ounces of baking soda to the tub.
  • Moisturise the skin with lotion or gel that has soothing properties (aloe vera, lavender, etc.)
  • Try using an over-the-counter corticosteroid cream on the affected area.
  • Stay out of the sun while your skin heals or use an effective SPF if you must go into the sun.

We hope you enjoyed this article. For tips on protecting yourself from damaging sun rays, our Guide to Sun Protection Factor may help.

If your sunburn is severe, visit your doctor for additional treatment. To find a doctor near you, search TheGuernseyDirectory.com.

Sources: Medicine Net, Good Housekeeping, Medical News Today, Healthline, and Mayo Clinic.