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Healthy Alphabet: S is For…Five Foods that are Good For You

by Karen Rollins Jun 1, 2020

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We are constantly bombarded with information about what we should and shouldn’t be eating, which can become confusing.

Yello has decided to go for a simple approach and provide an alphabetical guide to some of the healthiest foods you can add to your diet.

We’ll be going from A to Z and listing up to five fruits and vegetables that are packed with minerals and vitamins while also providing nutritional facts on their health benefits.

We’ve been from A to R. Let’s look at S.


Salmon is an oily fish and is therefore classified as a ‘superfood’ because it is nutritionally dense.

Whether you eat the tinned variety, or fresh fish, salmon is an excellent source of vital B vitamins, is high in potassium, and provides high-quality lean protein.

Salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are credited with various health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, cutting the risk of cancer, and reducing inflammation.

Nutrition facts (1/2 fillet or 178 grams):

* 367 calories (18% daily value (DV))

* 39.3 grams of protein (79% DV)

* 4023 micrograms (mcg) of total omega-3 fatty acids

* 73.7 mcg of selenium (105% DV)

* 5.0 mcg of vitamin B12 (83% DV)

* 449 milligrams (mg) of phosphorus (45% DV)

* 1.2 mg of vitamin B6 (58% DV)

* 6.6 mg of vitamin C (11% DV)


A member of the amaranth family, spinach is closely related to beetroot and quinoa. It is rich in vitamins A, C and K, iron, magnesium, and manganese and is also a good source of calcium and potassium.

Spinach is an extremely versatile vegetable which can be steamed, sautéed, boiled, or eaten raw in salads.

Baby spinach can even be blitzed and made into a delicious and healthy green smoothie.

Nutrition facts (1 bunch or 340 grams):

* 78.2 calories (4% DV)

* 9.7 grams of protein (19% DV)

* 7.5 grams of dietary fibre (30% DV)

* 1897 mg of potassium (54% DV)

* 31878 International Units (IU) of vitamin A (638% DV)

* 1642 mcg of vitamin K (2053% DV)

* 660 mcg of folate (165% DV)

* 3.0 mg of manganese (152% DV)


Strawberries are a quintessentially summer fruit full of vitamins, fibre, folic acid, and antioxidants. They also taste sweet and juicy.

Part of the rose family, strawberries are not really a fruit or a berry, but are the enlarged heart-shaped receptacle of the flower covered in small, edible seeds.

First cultivated in Rome over 700 years ago, strawberries are now one of the most popular berry fruits in the world.

Nutrition facts (1 cup or 144 grams):

* 46.1 calories (1% DV)

* 2.9 grams of dietary fibre (12% DV)

* 7.0 grams of sugar

* 84.7 mg of vitamin C (141% DV)

* 0.6 mg of manganese (28% DV)

* 34.6 mcg of folate (9% DV)

* 220 mg of potassium (6% DV)

* 17.3 mg of phytosterols

Sugar snap peas

Sugar snap peas are a versatile, nutritional, and inexpensive vegetable.

These flat pea pods are low in calories and high in fibre. They also contain several vitamins and minerals particularly vitamin K, vitamin C, and iron.

Sugar snaps are eaten whole, so are best purchased as close to harvest as possible, when they are at their freshest and crispiest.

Nutrition facts (100 grams):

* 42 calories (2% DV)

* 2.6 grams of fibre (10% DV)

* 25.0 mcg of vitamin K (31% DV)

* 60.0 mg of vitamin C (100% DV)

* 42.0 mcg of folate (10% DV)

* 2.1 mg of iron (12% DV)

* 1087 IU of vitamin A (22% DV)

* 0.2 mg of manganese (12% DV)

Sweet potato

A dietary staple throughout most of the Caribbean, sweet potatoes are a starchy root vegetable with either white, purple, yellow, or orange flesh.

Despite the shared name, sweet potatoes are not related to white potatoes, because they belong to the bindweed or morning glory family, while the white potato is part of the nightshade family.

Sweet potatoes are a rich source of fibre. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals including iron, potassium, manganese, and vitamin A.

Nutrition facts (1 medium potato, boiled without skin, in salt):

* 115 calories (6% DV)

* 26.8 grams of carbohydrates (9% DV)

* 3.8 grams of dietary fibre (15% DV)

* 23769 IU of vitamin A (475% DV)

* 19.3 mg of vitamin C (32% DV)

* 347 mg of potassium (10% DV)

* 0.4 mg of manganese (20% DV)

* 0.2 mg of vitamin B6 (12% DV)

Watch out for the rest of the healthy food alphabet in this series to be published on Find Yello, and click to take a look at the previous ABC, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, KLMN, O, P and Q & R articles.

Sources: The Food Coach, Nutrition Data, Healthline, NDTV, WebMD, Very Well Fit, Livestrong, Nutrition and You, Good Housekeeping.