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Health Tips: The Amazing Benefits of Mangoes

by Karen Rollins Sep 30, 2019

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Mango fruit and mango cubes.

Mangoes are part of the staple diet of most people in the Caribbean.

This succulent fruit is readily available on tropical and sub-tropical islands, hanging from trees in people’s backyard, and providing bumper supplies of the tasty treat, which is known as the ‘king of fruits’.

You can find mangoes in jelly, jam, pickles and sauces and the good news is that they don’t just taste nice, they’re also loaded with nutrients, minerals and antioxidants which are good for you as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Here are some of the benefits of mangoes:

Lots of fibre

Mangoes are known to be a rich source of dietary fibre, so if you eat at least one a day you’re almost guaranteed to maintain regular bowel movements which helps to prevent piles and constipation and keep the digestive tract clean.

Mangoes also contain various digestive enzymes which break down proteins, reduce acidity in the stomach, and aid digestion and elimination.

Cancer prevention

Mangoes contain several cancer-preventing antioxidants, such as Pectin, which have been proven to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers.

Some of the compounds and enzymes found in mangoes include carotenoids, ascorbic acid, terpenoids, and polyphenols, which suppress the oxidation process by fighting the harmful free radicals in the body.

Mangoes are also known to contain unique antioxidants that cannot be found in other fruits and vegetables.

Boost your brain

Vitamin B6, which is vital for maintaining and improving the brain’s function and an efficient nervous system, is found abundantly in mangoes.

As part of your diet, the B vitamins in mangoes can enhance your mood, reduce the effects of stress and improve your energy levels.

The glutamine acid content in mangos is also believed to enhance concentration and memory.

So, the next time you take a bite of a juicy mango, remember how much it benefits your body and mind!

Sources: Organic Facts / Medical News Today / Health Beckon